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There Is Power In Unity

Updated: Dec 3, 2020

Unity is difficult. The problem with the church today is that we have forgotten how to be in unity with God and others.

A body that isn't joined together with all parts moving in unison is a body that can not function correctly. A body with missing parts is often called deformed. We are The Body of Christ and are to be fitly joined together. Let's act like it.

In order to be a success in ministry and the body of Christ we must walk in Unity. In Psalm 133:1-3, It says, it is Unity that will cause the Lord to command His blessing on the Church and that God's blessings comes upon the people of God who are united.

There is Power in Unity

When we take a closer look in the book of Acts, we will see that the early church believers were doing some amazing works in the cities and countries.

They were anointed and full of the Holy Ghost, preaching the Word of God with boldness, Miracles, signs and wonders followed them after preaching the Word of God, thousands of souls were saved and added to the church , people gave themselves, their possessions to the cause of Christ and building His Kingdom on the earth.

They were so united that they turned their known world upside down for God and Jesus Christ. (ACTS 1:14).


Unity is difficult. The problem with the church today is that we have forgotten how to be in unity with God and others. I believe there are many aspects of the early church that contributed to its success but one of the Key elements was UNITY.

They were on one accord and I believe that UNITY was one of the reasons why blessings and the power of God was upon it. The believers during that time were an example for us today. They had one mind, same mindset, one purpose, one heart and this contributed to their spiritual success.

In order to be a success in ministry and the body of Christ we must walk in Unity. In Psalm 133:1-3, It says, it is Unity that will cause the Lord to command His blessing on the Church and that God's blessings comes upon the people of God who are united.


I want to highlight some areas that will cause unity to propel your church or ministry into the blessings of the Lord and success. We should all be a Healthy Church.:

1. Unity in Prayer

2. Unity in Vision & Purpose

3. Unity in Faith

4. Unity of Mind

5. Unity in Worship & Praise

6. Unity in Learning

7. Unity in Giving

8. Unity in Fellowship

The early church demonstrated all of the above as they remained on one accord. Unity in the church does not just happen; it happens when we the body of Christ make every effort to pursue unity and where each servant believer does his/her part. (EPHESIANS 4:3)

Your adversary, Satan, knows that thee is power in unity. That is why he is the master of division and confusion. He comes to steal, kill and destroy. He uses differences to divide the body of Christ and thereby weaken it. Don't allow him to contribute to disunity in your life and the church.

The reason why the early church was so effective was because it was UNITED.

As we fulfill God's Word, He will pour out His blessings on His people and nothing will be impossible for us.

I pray the church will be united in prayer, in vision & purpose, in faith, in mind, in worship & praise, in giving and in fellowship.

Jesus asked, "Can two walk together except they be agreed? What is your answer?



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